2023 Chief Investment Officer Transition Management Survey Report
Published ai-CIO.com July 2023, the Transition Management Survey Reprint is now available in PDF,(Consisting of 16 pages).
The 2023 Transition Management Survey was conducted between
late 2022 and spring 2023 and gathered responses from both providers
of transition management services and the clients they service. The
objective was to understand each provider’s experience and capabilities,
while also generating insight on industry trends within transition
management. A total of 63 asset owners and six service providers
responded to the appropriate questionnaire by the close of fieldwork.
Results from the survey have been aggregated and organized in
industry trends and vendor profiles, which include information on
each vendor’s business. This includes, but is not limited to, information
about the main reasons for conducting transitions, if the asset
owners have a panel of approved transition management providers
and the expectation for the frequency of portfolio transitions for 2023.
To receive information on reprints or licensing of associated Transition Management Survey data, please email reprints@issmediasolutions.com for more information.
To participate in the 2024 CIO Transition Management Surveys, please email surveys@issmediasolutions.com.