2023 PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey
The 2023 PLANADVISER Retirement Plan Adviser Survey is now available in PDF.
Our 2023 Retirement Plan Adviser Survey sheds light on the criteria that advisers put first in fund and recordkeeper selection; reveals what companies advisers most like to work with; and highlights trends that may shape the industry in the years ahead. The 2023 survey found that advisers remain focused primarily on price and performance when it comes to helping their clients select the most appropriate fund lineup and recordkeeper for their plan.
As the retirement plan industry continues to transform itself, in response to fee pressure, technological advances, and new and changing regulations, the retirement plan adviser plays an increasingly vital role for plan sponsor clients. The selection of investments and recordkeeper are among the most important decisions that plan sponsors make—decisions for which they rely heavily on adviser expertise.
Reprinted from PLANADVISER February 2024. ©1989 – 2024. PLANADVISER is owned by ISS STOXX. All Rights Reserved. For Internal Use Only—Not For External Distribution. This document is not to be copied, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part, nor passed to
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